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Yellow Ribbon

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    • Title
      Yellow Ribbon
    • Page Description

      The Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program (YRRP) is a Department of Defense-wide effort to promote the well-being of National Guard and Reserve members, their families, and their communities, by connecting them with resources throughout the deployment cycle. Through Yellow Ribbon events, service members and loved ones connect with local resources before, during, and after deployments. This is important because Coast Guard Reserve families often live far from military installations and other members of their units. Commanders and leaders play a critical role in assuring that reservists attend Yellow Ribbon events where they can access information on health care, education and training opportunities, financial, and legal benefits. We work with government partners, including the Departments of Labor and Veterans Affairs, to provide up-to-date and relevant information to the members and families of the all volunteer Reserve force.


      In 2008, Congress mandated creation of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program for Reserve members and their families. The Office of Secretary of Defense was directed to establish the program to provide with information throughout the deployment cycle. Public Law 110-181 (NDAA 2008) requires YRRP events be held for Reserve members and their families experiencing deployment for a minimum of 90-days.


      Mission: Promote the well-being and readiness of Coast Guard Reserve members, their families, and their communities by connecting them with resources throughout and beyond the deployment cycle.

      Vision: A ready and resilient Coast Guard Reserve that successfully navigates the challenges of deployment and reintegration.

      DEPLOYMENT CYCLE        

      YRRP is designed to apprise eligible Coast Guard Reserve members and families of services, programs, and resources available before, during, and after extended deployment. Knowing what to expect is the first step to ensuring readiness and resiliency. Understanding the deployment cycle and attending its corresponding events is an easy way to guarantee you’re in the loop on all the services available to you and your family and ensure your smooth transition through each phase, starting with pre-deployment and ending with reintegration.

      • Pre-Deployment: from first notification until deployment occurs
      • During Deployment (Event for families only): from departure until demobilization
      • Post–Deployment: from arrival at home station to 180 days after arrival