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Health Coaching

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      Health Coaching
      1 202-475-5100
    • Page Description

      The CG SUPRT Health and Wellness Coaching Program

      Health and Wellness Coaches partner with participants in a thought provoking and creative process designed to cultivate healthy behaviors and lifestyle changes, and to improve overall functioning. The Health and Wellness Coach works in collaboration with the participant to facilitate lifestyle improvement, and inspire them to achieve maximum personal and professional potential. The coach focuses on the whole person to address health and wellness concerns by helping individuals make healthier lifestyle choices. We created the Health and Wellness Coaching program to help members improve their health, lifestyle, and overall well-being. Member’s come to coaching for a variety of reasons such as to improve their weight, fitness, nutrition, stress management, time management, chronic condition management, and also to help them through life transitions such as moving, marriage, new baby, empty nest and retirement.