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Health Promotion Programs

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    • Title
      Health Promotion Programs
      1 202-475-5100
    • Page Description

      A healthy, fit and injury free Coast Guard workforce is critical to support optimal operational readiness. The purpose of the CG Health Promotion Program is to strengthen and enhance mission performance by providing policies, programs, education, direct services and other resources to Coast Guard members and their families. By educating and promoting positive health habits, the Health Promotion Program will help to ensure that Coast Guard men and women are well trained and have a variety of tools necessary to be a versatile and fit workforce.

      Weight Management

      Maintaining a healthy body weight requires a lifelong commitment to regular exercise, a healthy diet and effective stress management. As a military service, compliance with weight standards is also a critical element of optimal mission performance. The Health Promotion Program supports Body Composition Standards Program COMDTINST 1020.8i and seeks to help members achieve and maintain a healthy body weight for fitness and disease prevention. 

      Tobacco Cessation

      Tobacco use is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States today. Addiction to tobacco substances remains a primary health concern for the Coast Guard, raising health care costs, reducing productivity and mission readiness. Members are encouraged to sign up for the UCANQUIT2 program or contact their regional HPM who can assist all CG-beneficiaries to locate community and DOD-based tobacco cessation resources.

      Stress Management

      While stress is a normal factor in everyday living, excessive amounts of it can have a very negative impact on your health. Specifically, unmanaged stress can sidetrack your other healthy behaviors including exercise and a healthy diet and contribute to a decrease in your productivity. The health pro-motion program can assist members with identifying and man-aging the stress in their lives. Contact your regional EAPC to learn more about mitigating stress.


      The Health Promotion Program, with the support of the Subsistence Program, can provide important nutrition and dietary guidance for maintaining optimal health and weight. Nutrition is an essential component of good health and can contribute to a decreased risk for many chronic diseases.