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      The web site is designed to help families make informed childcare choices. The site explains how to request and manage childcare options and provides parents information about all their military childcare options including the Coast Guard's Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN) fee assistance program. 

      DoD assigns a priority for care to each family type and uses this when placing children into care. To ensure parity access to DoD childcare programs, the Coast Guard CDCs are aligning with the DoD priority access to childcare. The site explains enrollment priorities and how this impacts waitlist sequencing for families requesting a childcare space. Please review the priority guidelines at Family Eligibility and Priority Guidelines | MCC Central ( offers the Coast Guard workforce a more robust, flexible, and user-friendly portal that is available 365 days a year through their personal devises, simplifies and streamlines the search for childcare, and connects families to quality childcare options within the Coast Guard and DoD. 

      Families currently stationed or moving can easily search for and request child care through (MCC). The site is an online gateway to all Coast Guard and DOD military-operated or military-subsidized child care options worldwide across Services. MCC enables families to submit requests for care where they live or at any installation, they think they might be moving to next–even before their orders are issued. Families are encouraged to start the childcare search process as early as possible. Relocating families can get on waitlists far in advance and then easily update their requests on MCC when their permanent change of duty station is confirmed.


      Q: When I PCS to my next assignment or as a civilian has a change of duty location and require childcare how can access to MiltaryChildcare help my family?

      A: Coast Guard families can conduct unlimited, customized searches to find childcare providers close to home or work and request care at any time from any location. This flexibility allows Coast Guard families to identify available childcare options wherever their mission takes them through one portal.

      Q: When can I request a waitlist space at multiple Coast Guard and DoD childcare programs at the same time? 

      A: Yes, a family can request a waitlist space at multiple programs at the same time for each child IE Child Development Center, Family Childcare Homes, Military Child Care in Your Home fee assistance, school-age before and after school, school year camps and summer camp. 

      Q: Can I request space prior to PCSing or when I am pregnant?

      A: Yes, once you know your PCS location, you should submit your requests and once you know you are pregnant you should request a project care waitlist space based on when care is needed.  

      Please review the video and information on the MilitaryChildCare web site at the following link: 

      Coast Guard specific information, can be found at the following link: 
